Land users should sign contracts for temporary use of land with related land administrative departments or rural collective organizations or villagers committees depending on the ownership of the land and pay land compensation fees for the temporary use of the land according to the standard specified in the contracts. 土地使用者应当根据土地权属,与有关土地行政主管部门或者农村集体经济组织、村民委员会签订临时使用土地合同,并按照合同的约定支付临时使用土地补偿费。
They invest in land most developers would shun and use tenancy contracts that would make other landlords shudder. 这种公司所投资的地盘,大多数开发商都会避而远之,而此类公司所签土地租赁合同的期限也另很多地主瞠目结舌。
The campaign against commercial bribery mainly targeted at construction projects, land transfers, property transactions, pharmaceutical sales, government procurement contracts as well as resources exploitation and sales. 反商业行贿运动主要针对建筑工程、土地转让、产权交易、药品销售、政府采购合同及资源的开发与销售方面。
Matter right statute is decided, land contracts after expiring, can continue to contract, so how does the land of newborn and died person do? 物权法规定,土地承包期满后可继续承包,那么新生的和死了的人的土地怎么办?
When the title deeds for land and debt contracts were thrown into the fire, the former serfs danced around the blaze. 当旧的地契、债约被扔进火堆时,昔日的农奴们围着火堆跳起舞蹈。
Copies of certificates of land use right for sites of such warehouses or their leasing contracts; 出口监管仓库库址土地使用权证明文件或者租赁仓库的租赁协议复印件;
Contractors for the land operation are obliged to protect and use the land rationally according to the usages specified in the contracts. 承包经营土地的单位和个人,有保护和按照承包合同约定的用途合理利用土地的义务。
The statement said only that the government will set up a "strict and normative" land management system in the countryside, while maintaining the current land contracts. 公报只是表示,要稳定和完善农村基本经营制度,健全“严格规范”的农村土地管理制度,同时维持目前的土地承包合同。
The farm sell one's own things of the village, the law that basically involves is "rural land contracts law", the26th regulation of this law: contract period inside, hair bag just must not call in contract the ground. 村里的农田出让,主要涉及的法律是《农村土地承包法》,该法的第二十六条规定:承包期内,发包方不得收回承包地。
Plans need to be drawn up, land purchased, environmental impact statements prepared, contracts written and put out for bid, and many other things before the first construction worker is hired. 在雇用第一名建筑工人之前,需要制定方案、购买土地、准备环境影响报告书、撰写合同、进行投标及其它许多事项。
The township ( town) people's governments shall be responsible for the administration of the contracting of the rural land within their own administrative areas and of the contracts. 乡(镇)人民政府负责本行政区域内农村土地承包及承包合同管理。
Effect of per capita arable land resource on intensive management of agriculture; The contraced term for operation is to be agreed upon in the land use contracts. 人均耕地资源对农业集约经营的影响土地承包经营的期限由承包合同约定。
Civil law regulates basic human-social relations involving ownership of property, titles to land, making and enforcement of contracts, organization of business enterprises, employment of labor, buying and selling goods, marriage and divorce, inheritance of estates, etc. 民事法规范基本的人与社会的关系,涉及财产的归属,土地的归属,加强合同的效力,组织商业企业,劳动的雇佣,买卖商品,结婚离婚,继承财产等等。
The court said he approved land sales and helped people win contracts in exchange for cash. 法庭说,康惠军批准土地出售,帮助别人获取合同,做为回报,他获取现金。
Staying pals with the government is extraordinarily important: it can lead to cheap financing, land and contracts, along with one other often overlooked ( but absolutely critical) benefit. 与政府保持伙伴关系极其重要:这可以带来底价资金,土地和合约,以及其它常常被忽视(但十分关键)的好处。
This would provide legal protection for farmers who want to lease or sell the right to farm their land and could make it easier for them to use land-use contracts as collateral for loans. 这将为希望出租或出售其土地承包经营权的农民提供法律保护,并降低他们以土地承包经营权作为抵押申请贷款的难度。
Answer: before rural tax expends reform, farmer burden basically adopts the measure that land tax person expends; the crop crop that the production on land basically contracts according to the farmer after reform collects agricultural duty to reach its to add. 答:农村税费改革前,农民负担主要采取地税人费的办法;改革后主要根据农民承包土地上生产的农作物产量征收农业税及其附加。
Discussion on the Old Babylon land system by the Law Code of Hammurabi and the field contracts 从《汉穆拉比法典》和土地买卖合同看古巴比伦时期的土地制度
The second is reducing corruption by curbing state control over everything from land permits and infrastructure contracts to the timing of initial public offerings. 第二项改革是打击腐败,手段包括遏制政府在一系列事务上的控制权,从用地审批和基础设施合同、到公司首次公开上市(IPO)的时机等等等。
The contraced term for operation is to be agreed upon in the land use contracts. 土地承包经营的期限由承包合同约定。
Under current laws, peasant farmers have mostly been given 30-year land use contracts that allow them to farm plots allocated by local party officials but make it very difficult to sell those contracts or use their land as collateral for loans. 按照现行法律,农民们在多数情况下得到为期30年的土地承包经营权,让他们耕作由当地官员分配的地块,但他们很难出售这些土地承包经营合同,或将自己的土地用作贷款抵押。
At the moment, rural land is "collectively" owned but may be leased to peasants on30-year contracts. 当下,农村土地依然“集体”所有,但农民享受30年承包期。
Research on similarities and differences of two kinds of rural land contracts 农村土地两大类承包之异同研究
After our country decreased and exempted from agricultural taxes, cases asking to transfer or terminate land contracts have appeared. 国家减免农业税后,出现要求变更或解除土地承包合同案件。
Under the present rural circumstances, we can solve above contradictions by setting up the joint stock partnership based on land contracts and land transfer. 在农村目前条件下,通过建立土地股份合作社,实现土地使用权的流转可以较好解决以上矛盾,即:在长期坚持农户土地承包制不变的基础上,将土地集中进行规模经营;
Tenancy Relations as Reflected in the Land Contracts of the Mongolian Banner of Rehe in the Qing Dynasty 清代热河蒙旗的地契及其所反映的租佃关系
By making a contrast between the contracts of land sale before and after land reform, this article illustrates how the contracts of those two periods were linked to but also varied from each other. 将徽州土地改革之后的土地卖契与土地改革之前明清民国的土地卖契进行比较,论证了两者之间既有传承,也有变异。
But at the same time, we have also seen that large number of cases over land contracts still exist in judicial practice, and there is a growing trend. We can see that the right of contractual land management has been far from effective legal protection. 但同时也应看到,司法实践中因土地承包纠纷引发的案件仍大量存在且有不断增长的趋势,从法律的视角对农村土地承包经营权的保障问题进行研究因之而显得尤为重要。
Since the complexities of the contract, the conclusion of irregular, contracted card management, contract-issuing party in the same piece of land sign two contracts, with a piece of land for two packages of the situation is very common. 由于农村情况的复杂性加之承包合同订立的不规范,承包经营权证的管理粗放,发包方在同一块土地上签订两份合同,同一块土地上办理两个经营权证的情况十分普遍。